FFCRA Explained


Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA)

The Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) was introduced to support individuals affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. As a gig worker, freelancer, or sole proprietor, you can qualify for significant tax credits under this act, providing much-needed relief during difficult times.

Whether you’re a freelancer, rideshare driver, Etsy shop owner, or the creative brain behind your small biz, FFCRA could be your financial superhero. It’s all about giving you a hand when you’ve had to miss work due to quarantine, childcare hurdles, illness, vaccination stuff, or other COVID-related hiccups.

Need to know

How Do You Qualify?

To qualify for FFCRA tax credits as a gig worker, freelancer, or sole proprietor, you must have filed a Schedule C with your taxes. You are eligible if you were unable to work due to:

Unlike the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), FFCRA doesn’t come with the loan baggage. It’s not a loan; think of it as a nifty retroactive tax credit playing a role in your 2020 or 2021 income taxes. Picture this: it’ll either trim down the bill you owe Uncle Sam right now or drop a check or ACH deposit straight into your pocket, depending on your tax situation.

And here’s the beauty of it—all those FFCRA credits sent directly your way? Yours to spend however you see fit. No payback, no strings attached. It’s like a financial boost with the freedom to use it where it matters most for you.


How Does the Credit Work?

The FFCRA tax credit allows you to claim up to $32,220 for qualifying leave. The credit is calculated based on your average daily income and the number of days you were unable to work. The maximum credit per day is $511 if you were ill, or $200 per day if you were caring for someone else. This is NOT a loan and you do NOT have to pay this back.

Why Choose Our Service?

Our form filing assistant will help you complete IRS form 7202 and simplify the process of claiming your FFCRA credits. We securely access your IRS tax transcript, eliminating the need for extensive paperwork or document submission. Our service ensures that you receive the maximum credits available, with minimal effort on your part.